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Rose on the rise: Independent favourite Brian Rose leaps to third in London Mayoral race

Independent favourite Brian Rose leaps to third in London Mayoral race

Bookmakers now have Brian Rose ahead of Lib Dems and Greens, with polling confirming he is the leading independent candidate

People want a new type of Mayor – not another career politician, but someone who actually cares about the city and has a vision of how to transform our nation’s capital.
— Brian Rose, founder and host of London Real
LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM, May 1, 2024 / -- Broadcaster Brian Rose goes into the final day of campaigning for the London Mayoral election in a remarkable third place, according to bookmakers.

The bookies confirm what independent polls have long suggested, consistently identifying Rose, who represents the London Real Party, as the most popular independent candidate.

As the race for City Hall enters its closing stages, Ladbrokes has Rose ahead of both Lib Dem and Green candidates.

That follows polling from organisations including Survation showing Rose ahead of his independent rivals.

A spokesman for Rose said: ‘This is already one of the great upsets in British political history. Brian has quietly built a solid support base while the current mayor and his tepid Tory counterpart have played out their roles as the Punch and Judy of pathetic politicking.

‘From what we’ve seen in polling data, what we’re hearing across the boroughs of London, and the overwhelming number of messages of support we have received, we know Brian has struck a chord.

‘Londoners have had enough of the present political establishment, its high-tax policies and lack of solutions to the housing and crime crises.

‘By backing Brian, they are sending a clear signal that change is on its way.’

Rose’s campaign has been marked by his innovative manifesto, significant online media coverage and cut-through with voters that has seen him win over an army of fans.

Rose said: ‘People want a new type of Mayor – not another career politician, but someone who actually cares about the city and has a vision of how to transform our nation’s capital.

‘I have a fully-costed plan to build 50,000 affordable homes before Christmas, put 10,000 police officers on our streets, and cancel the current Mayor’s regressive ULEZ tax.’

With the Tories languishing unloved in the polls, Rose’s team believes it could deliver a humiliating blow to the Conservative Party, which has shown little interest in taking the London election seriously.

Rose said: ‘I urge voters to grab their photo ID and cast a vote to shock not just Khan and his cronies, but Susan Hall and her despised masters in the Conservative Party.

‘And, please, remember to bring your photo ID – we don’t want the establishment robbing you of your right to vote.’

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